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The North Sumatera Province's culture and architecture

north-sumatera-mapMedan is North Sumatra Province mother city , located between 10 - 40 North latitude, 980 - 1000 East longitude. In the northern region border is the province of Aceh , the western boundary with the province of West Sumatra and Riau, while in the east boundary by Sumatra strait.

Region consists of coastal and lowland in the east and west of the province, and that there is a high plateau in the Karo, Toba and Humbang. The mountains such as Sibayak, Sinabung, Martimbang, Sorik Marapi and others. Then the river is the river Wampu, Batang Serangan, Deli Asahan and others. Natural wealth of the North Sumatra is oil, coal, sulfur, gold and other mine productions. And now the province is well known to the giant dam with a waterfall Asahan Sigura-gura project which is a big power plant. The Flora is diverse, from plants in the forest with the results of the forest wood, rattan and resin, which also plants grown by people such as rice, vegetables and other plantation crops.

Population of North Sumatra according to ethnic group consists of the original inhabitants of North Sumatra, a native of immigrants and foreign residents. The native population is ethnic Malay, Karo Batak, Simalungun, Fak-fak/Dairi, Toba Batak, Mandailing, Pesisir and Nias. The indigenous tribe of migrants are: Java, Sunda, Bali,Makassar, Bugis, Ambon, Minahasa, Banjar, Palembang, Riau, Minangkabau and others, while the foreign ethnic populations such as Arabian, Indian, Chinese and from other nations. Population of North Sumatra about 80% live in villages as farmers and others living in the city as traders, civil servants, carpenters and so forth.

Batak Music

The order of the community in the area of North Sumatra is based on genealogic-territorial or a descendant of the regions and areas, such as the Toba Batak tribe, Mandailing and Nias. While in the area of East Sumatra or Malay is based on territorial. If we review of the relationship in terms of the descendants, the tribe of Batak and Nias is patrilineal, the lineage that is descent from father. While ethnic Malay is the parental, the lineage that is seen from both parties, the father and mother. Kinship groups of Nias called Sangabato and extended family called sangabato sehua. Sangabato combination of one's ancestors sehua called mado that can be equated with the clans in the tribe of Batak, namely large clan of patrilokal.

In the Batak ethnic communities, Malay and Nias in North Sumatra, someone's life-cycle of birth and age, rise children until death, are through some events that are considered important. Because of that,the events necessary celebrate in rites of customs, beliefs and religion. The Ceremonies such as ritual bath down, giving the name, cut the hair for the children, the ceremony of polish teeth, marriage ceremonies, death ceremonies, and others. In the community of Batak there is a ceremony to feed parents who are elderly but still healthy, the aim is to encourage long life and remain healthy. Also to sick parents in order to recover again. The ceremony is called the sulang-sulang.

Before the growing religion of Islam and Christianity in this area, people generally follow the teachings of animism. The influence of Hinduism is also can be seen it's path in the way the tribe of Batak field irrigation, plow, chess, and how to weave cloth. Also, the system of writing that can be seen in any literature in the Hindu temple and a monastery in South Tapanuli. Although now most of the population already embrace Islam or Christianity, but the belief that animistis still be seen in the ceremonies performed.For example is ceremony of perumah Begu in Karo district, which is called the spirit of ancestors to the family home that is still living that intermediate by Sibaso or female shaman. Sibaso later be possessed of the spirit, so that every words she said are considered came from the died ancestor. In Toba Batak area the similar ceremony is called Sigale-gale.

The prominent Art from the North Sumatra are art sound, dance also the art of weaving the popular Ulos, weave and so forth. About the dances it would have been enough known, because the ceremonies are always accompanied by traditional dances that called Manotor. An so it's sound art that have typical accompaniment to the traditional drum and flute.

Horja Bius Ceremony

In the area of North Sumatra, according to the variety of ethnic groups that consists of 8 ethnic groups that are: Malay, Karo, Simalungun, North Tapanuli, Central Tapanuli, Fak-fak/Dairi, South Tapanuli and Nias, then they have traditional house that also diverse. They are traditional Malay house, the North tapanuli traditional house or Bolon House, Karo traditional house or Siwaluh Jabu, South Tapanuli house or Godang House, traditional house of Fak-fak/Dairi and so forth.

Bolon House


The north Sumatran Malay tribe has it's own architecture and we can see it's heritage in some buildings such as Istana maimoon (the palace of sultanate of Deli) and Masjid Raya (the great mosque).

Istana Maimoon

Masjid Raya Medan (the Great Mosque of Medan)

Maimoon Palace islocated in the street Brigjen Katamso, Medan. This palace was established by the Kingdom of Sultan Deli, Sultan Makmun Al Rasyid Perkasa Alamsyah. The designer is an Italian architect, and completed in the year 1888. Maimoon palace was built above a ground area of 2772 m2, stands to the east, and became the center of Deli Kingdom. Palace consists of two floors, divided into three parts, the main building, left wing,and right wing. In front of it, about 100 meters, stands Masjid Al-Maksum that better known by the name of Masjid Raya Medan (the great mosque of Medan).

It is interesting if we look at the architectural design of this palace. Fusion between Islam and the traditions of European culture is very visible. In addition to that seen in the royal audience hall, the basic building also showed the influence of Europe. Some of the palace building materials shipped from Europe, such as tile, marble, and teraso.

Pattern Dutch architecture influenced with big-high doors and windows and the gates of the Spanish style is part of Maimoon Palace. The Dutch influenced is also visible in the marble inscription in front of the marble stairs that are written with Latin letters in the Dutch language.

The influence of Islam seen in the form of a curve or a number of the arcade on the roof of the palace. The inverted arch was known as persian curve was very popular in many buildings in the middle east. Maimoon Palace is one of the beautiful buildings in Medan. Easy to reach location, both from the Polonia Airport [about 10 km] and from the port of Belawan [about 28 km]. This historical building open to the public every day at 08.00 a.m until 05.00 pm.

picture creadit : http://jepretanku.wordpress.com, www.bainfokomsumut.go.id, www.cindai-art.com, pojokblogkita.blogspot.com
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