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Indian culture and it's influence nowaday

India as always be an exotic country for me. Since some decades ago, this country has a great relationship with Indonesia. The both countries are founders of asia-african committe from asia side.

But the relationship in reality has begun centuries ago since religions came from india such us Buddhism and hinduism, were dominant religion too in Indonesian area that time. Many large empire from indonesian isles such us sriwijaya kingdom and majapahit kingdom are best example how far the influence of Indian culture in Indonesia. You can easly track it's path by watching javanese script that are descended from Indian script, the sanskrit.

Nowaday, many of us that aren't live in India will not understand of Indian script because of the influence no more dominant to the nearby region as centuries ago. Only in Indian community (that live in countries outside india) this script maybe still well known.

So, how to deal with it ? We should not worry because there are some coorporation which provide india translation service (including sanskrit translation). Luckily some of them not just provide their services locally, but also wordl wide via online websites. The best example is on IAFL Translation & Interpretation Service. It's India's leading translation agency or translation services company. They proclaimed to respond to 95% of all emails within 1 hour and provide free quotes. Based in New Delhi, India, they provide translations in Indian languages, Arabic, Farsi, and English. They also accept and deliver translations by email, FTP, etc. Many globally known companies use their translations. Should you require a free estimate for a translation required, try to contact them.
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